The quilt show last weekend was a great success. A lot of our members turned out with helping hands to make it run nice and smooth. The show was incredible and its such a joy to be surrounded by such increbible quilters with so much talent. Here are just a few.
My mom is in my friendship group and we each did basket blocks for her and look what she went and did with them. Holy smokes its just gorgeous!
Same friendship group did pineapple blocks then we drew straws and Sherilee Siebert got to quilt it and keep it. Very fun project!
Pam Hadfield and her beautiful applique work!
Kathy Keefer and her marvelous applique and hand quilting. You go girl!
Hilary Field, love the 30's fabric on black, beautiful.
Arlene Somerville, 3D wool project. Yummy!
Denise Nelms, gorgeous applique, congratulations Denise! I don't know where she find the time.
Pam Hadfield again! Simply beautiful and awesome quilting by Mike Qualls!
Pam Again, wow she is all over this show! More ribbons and bows on this mixed technique with wool and cottons.

Sorry I did write down what each ribbon was for, shame on me ;P But the beautiful ribbons were made by Cindy Cooksey,
The end, I forgot to get the name of this quilter but I had to share this with you all. These booty beauties are on the front of the quilt. What a creative way to spice up a traditional scrappy quilt.
On my may to Chicago for business and then to PIQF in Santa Clara for our yearly mini-treat with Natalie of
Beyond the Reef.
Have a great week and hope you all get to quilt. Put some stitches in for me, would you?
Love Aunti Nicole