Happy to be Home! I just got back last night from a week in Flagstaff, AZ. A successful business trip! Now I need to get back to the real business of quilting ;] Arrived in Flagstaff Sunday morning at 11am so I took a drive down to Sedona which took about an hour. Must have been a cyclists convention or something cause there were a lot of people on the beautiful winding road to Sedona.
I went to the Quilter's Store Sedona while I was there, course. Bought some goodies and saw some really unique pieces made by a local quilter Mary Jardine. I love how her embellishments jump right off the piece. My photography skills don't do it justice, but you can get the idea. These pieces are all for sale at the shop.
Here were some quilt inspiring statues I found in a shopping center, while looking for food!
I ended up eating at Oaxaca...yum!
Here are some goodies I picked up at the Quilt Store. I have never seen a threader for embroidery needles. Kind of interesting. I'll let you know how it works out.
I worked so much all week that I didn't get to explore much of Flagstaff. I did find out that the quilt store that was there had to close ;[ very sad.
I did find some interesting food though.

Thurdsay night I went exploring in downtown and ended up at Criollo The food was so good. I had the seasonal fish, which i believe was Halibut.
seared seasonal fish ~ smoked tomato risotto, coconut-ginger sauce, Calabrian chili oil, cilantro-macadamia nut pesto
The presentation was beautiful and I would have taken a picture but it disappeared before I thought of it... and by then it was half eaten so I thought, too bad soo sad! Of all the choices on the list of places to eat the "sustainable" caught my eye. I like companies that are conscious of their community and the environment. I can't say that I only frequent them, but it makes me more likely to be a patron. Good job Croillo!
Sorry I was so verbose this time. I have so much to share and feel like I've been away alot.
Hope you were inspired to quilt (or eat) this weekend!
Love Aunti