Yesterday I got to spend my Saturday with a couple of budding young quilters. Amanda and Tessa King spent about 5 hours with me yesterday.
First we talked a little about what we wanted to do. They learned about contrasting and complimenting fabrics. Then I gave them some time to poke through my stash of larger pieces and pick a focus fabric. I planned about an hour for this.. and they were done in 10 min. No brainer for them, I need to learn that trick. Look at the wonderful fabric choices here.
Then they learned:
Rotary Cutting
Trimming threads
Ironing again!
Pinning again!
Sewing again!

Tessa's First Block
Amanda's First Block

Breath....Time for a break... so we took a break. Had a yummy snack. Apples, beef jerky, chicken. Went for a short walk.
And back to make the next one...or is it two ;] muah-ha-ha!
I had them each take two squares and draw an "X" diagonally. Then they had to sew 1/4" on either side of each line. Wow Aunti this is hard.....after a while, Wow this is so easy! Then we cut them apart for 16 little half square triangles. Magic! Sewing the little pieces together took a little helped with the pinning but they did all the sewing.
Check out those Points! Awesome Sauce! High fives! Whoo hoo
Took a little longer to sew these together, but the girls did very good and we pressed on even though we were getting a little tired. Around 3:30 we started looking at the clock.
Girls: "Are we going to finish with the quilt today?
Aunti: "Girls, we are just getting started we've got 9 more to make!" Big toothy grin ;]
Girls: "Ooo no!" girly giggles all around
Their Mom and Dad came back about five as we were finished up our last seams. They got to see a little of the action.
This is Tessa, she was student of the week last we at school. She loves pink and blue and found some fun fabrics and even got a chance to use one of the ones she brought. Her favorite part is the ironing part and asked her Mommy if she had any shirts she needed ironing. Her Mom (Dawn) and I both looked at each other and said "Really?"
This Amanda. She likes all the parts of quilting, but probably sewing on the machine the most. She has a headband that disappears and reappears on her head right where she left it. Apparently her sister has the ability to make it reappear. I have glasses that do that...
Willie came in and investigated and played and hid a lot, and napped a lot. Toward the end, Pete went into the kitchen and willie followed him and this was what we heard.
Willie: "Mrowww" trans. (hey dad)
Pete: "Hey buddy, theres girls and girly stuff everywhere huh?"
Willie: "Mroww rowwwo wowo wwow mrow" trans "Yeah you should see it, there needles and razors and hot irons and momma's eyes are all bulgy!"
So we got to finish 3 blocks. We are probably going to make a 12 block quilt, MAYBE one or two with fusible applique. Add a border and binding. We are going to display their quilts in our guild show that's coming up in September.
I hope you enjoyed hearing about our day, we sure had a great time. The girls follow directions and were such a great way to spend my sew day. I am looking forward to their next visit.
Now i have to go grocery shopping and our breakfasts and lunches for the week. Pete and I are enjoying a 28 day Paleo Challenge. Basically Meat, Veggies, Fruit, Nuts and Seeds. One week down and I think we are doing pretty good! Its a little more effort and planning but the results are worth it.
Hope you all get a chance to sew this week!
Aunti Nicole