I haven't had anything I could share for a little while. Have been working on some top secret stuff and working on our Flying Geese Quilt Show coming up this September. I am in charge of vendors this year at the show. Its fun to see how all the different pieces of the show work.
So today I'm sharing a 4-patch posie that I did last summer at the EZQ mountain retreat. My friend Sharon Sutton had some great tips so she shared them with us. She is totally hooked and has been popping these out like candy. This is my second one and I'll tell you its a lot easier than stack and whack!
This one only uses 4 repeat instead of 8 and squares are pretty easy to handle.
It too me a while to determine a sashing for this and I went out on a ledge for this one with some fabric I bought a while back and was just dying to use it in something.
There is a lot of quilting in this one, I wanted an opportunity to practice my machine quilting. Note the large panel down the left side. This to me is more of a challenge than borders. What the heck to do with all that wide open space?
Sorry about the poor quality photos, I'm a quilter not a photographer ;]
As quilt judges would say...."...ambitious quilting there on the borders and background, lol.
For the side panel, I broke up the space and did a zentangle type design. It really helped me just jump in.
If you are every wondering what to do in a wide open space, divide it somehow and just play in the different sections. Its fun and turns out really well.
I roughly drew on the sections here to give you an idea of how i divided the space.
Hope you all get a chance to quilt this week!
All my bestAunti Nicole