I have read about 5 books from the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child, a little addicted to Reacher. Just finished the 11th one today Bad Luck and Trouble, You don't mess with Reacher!
Haven't missed much work, but my personal time has been mostly a wash for the last couple of month. I have spurts of energy thus the minimal blogging.
Meanwhile I wanted to share this project that I'm working on. This 1st of 9 blocks. Its from a book by Helen Marshall called The Embroidered Miniature Quilt. This cornucopia is about 3" SQ. But there is a lot in that little space. Mostly followed her directions, with a few variations on stitches and colors.

The book has lots of techniques including neadlelace which you see here in the horn. You actually sew a border around on a piece of a paper template and then work small buttonhole stitches across and wrap the edges. The you pull away the paper and lay it over a couple layers of batting and sew it down. I used a Perle cotton Variagated that I picked up from the Wool Lady in Temecul and I love how it turned out. The benefit is of being sick is that my multitasking is reduced and I can only focus on one thing. I can actually follow instructions, imagine!
The pineapple was satin stitch sewn over batting. I must have been feeling better, because I did a variation from hers. Then a trelis over top of it and a bunch of boolean knots on the top, which were as she directed.
As I said this is one of 9 and I'll post them as I get them done. The whole quilt is only about 24" Square. Fun project though!
Mom bought her Sweet Sixteen and is quilting up a storm up there in Northern Cali. She bought the table mounted one and is having a ball. I can't wait to see her results. She's already an amazing quilter, so this will just inspire her to the next level. Can't wait to visit her and use it. Or get my own, hehehehe.
I hope you all are keeping away from this nasty bug which will just not go away and that you get some time for yourselves.
Love to All,
Aunti Nic