This shoe-fly quilt is a great scrappy project. I bought one background fabric and all the rest is stash! Oh exept for the border. For a scrappy project, I almost always buy new border fabric after I'm done with the inside. The scraps will tell you what border it needs (scrap whisperer, hehe). Its hard to tell before hand. It also may limit the color of scraps you pick, unless that is your goal of course.
I have been working on the hand quilting this one for about four months. Its my evening project (when there is no other hand work, applique, binding, embroidery, etc.). There was a deadline, but its come and gone. So I am not stressing about it anymore, it will be done when its done.
Well I'm finally on the outer sashing, so thats a good sign right? I'm about halfway around with the sashing and then I am on to the borders. My husband Pete helped me pick a pattern for the borders that has a knot in the corners. And maaaaabee I'll do some special binding, it depends on how much longer the quilting takes.
I love feel of a quilt after its been hand quilted. The fabric gets worked and it has a special appeal. It just takes longer. Which is why my blog posts have been few lately. I like to use a variegated machine thread or silk thread for quilting.

Those of you who have not gotten into hand quilting, I recommned it. When this quilt is done, I'll post a better picture, tell you about some great quilters and maybe post some hand quilting tips I've learned. I suspect it will be around the end of this month.
Happy Quilting!