I consider Road to California 2010 in Ontario California a big success, people everywhere! Wonderful quilts hung end to end. I am so proud to see that quilters and quilt admirer's are doing their part to boost the economy!

I walked in the front doors and what do I see, Beyond the Reef, right in the first spot...location location location! Lots of bright and colorful fabrics and some new patterns to boot. Natalie and friends were so busy and the booth was packed.

My friend Liz Isom's asian version of Tic-Tac...Oh! is hanging in the corner of the booth with some lovely asian fabric bundles....had to get one of course. I bought some other fabric, but I'll post it later this week.
The creativeness of the quilt community never ceases to amaze me. I am astounded that I still see new ways to do traditional style quilts. I didn't get everyone's names but most of them are described in the link above. I took over 350 pictures this time, but figured I'm better trim it down.
I took some pictures of some things that caught my eye, but there were so many quilts I could not get everything. So here are a few little pics and things I found interesting.

I love this quilt, I saw it online and the story about the creation of it. It is just amazing up close. The whole
Thread Tails & Vapor Trails exhibit for the The 100th Anniversary of Naval Aviation.
Ok this picture is not very good quality, but the blow up turned out great. See how the fabrics transition.
Say Cheese! Hey, that's my friend Dione. She is a writer and editor and working on some big projects, more on that in the near future. We had a great time and I'm so glad we got to spend some quality time together at the show.

Oh my gosh the detail on this quilt, 1st place...no surprise there!

Its a tea party don't ya know! This one was so sweet, I stood there staring at all the detail on this one, spoons and tea bags and all kinds of sweaties. I even dragged my friend Micki and her Daughter over to look at this. So much going on, applique, embroidery, embellishments.
Julia Renaud of Tea for Two would just love this one!

This one reminds me of the project that I have been working on for the last couple of months. Very cool.
Wow my husband walked by while I was posting this picture and he said "Wow!" Pete's a man of few words.

I love the subtle change of background fabric. And of course I appreciate the amount of work.

More delicious appliqué. Wow just amazing work.

One of my favorite has always been Dear Jane, but I have to say this is the first time I noticed the settings triangles are all different too. I wonder how I missed that...probably because I have never made one myself.

I have been working on a dutch treat another favorite traditional style pattern. Mine is in the traditional indigo blue, but this... holy cow...this one has an beautiful bright asian print behind it. It is just fabulous.
Yeah...ok really? Who thinks of this stuff!

And the one I call the big fuzzy flutter-bye quilt. Just dynamic and the look at the detail on these flutter-byes.
Ok, thats enough, I'd better get busy.
Hope you were all inspired to be part of such an artistic group of people.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Aunti Nicole