Hello my Dears,
Not too many posts in June as it was a very full month. Had a couple of business trips with a vacation crammed in between and even 2 funerals. Quick 2 day business trip to Chandler, AZ then back for a day and 10 hr drive up to Mt Shasta to watch my eldest Nephew Miller graduate from High School. What a great young man he has turned out to be and I am very proud to be his Aunti. Here's Dana, Miller and Lou
We had a couple of days to hang with them and my Mom and Dad. Dana's kids are such a joy and we had a great time.

So then Pete and I made our way to Morro Bay to spend some quiet time. No that's not Pete and I on the dock, but we didn't do too much more than that for 3 days. Morro Bay rock was covered in fog for 3 days while we were there...and we loved it. We sat in the hotel room, which had a fantastic view the fog and read our kindles. We took walks to eat then came back for more reading and relaxing. Noice!

The Monday back from vacation I headed up to San Jose for a 3 day trip to work with NASA. While in San Jose I received news that Pete and my dear friend Ludie passed away. She was a wonderful lady that Pete and I just adored.
Still in San Jose, I receive the news that my darling Gramma Vi passed away. I am so thankful to God for taking her from her pain, for giving her such a rich life with family and also for allowing me to have such a great relationship with her. Oh how she loved her kids 6, grandkids 22 and great grandkids 12. What a treasure she has been and will always be to me.
Picture of her and my Dad, Leon Jr. aka Buddy.

So needless to say, not a whole lot of sewing this month. I did get my Bee Splendid blocks in the mail to Tracey before June was over.

Challenge was 2 - 12 1/2" blocks using HSTs. She provided the fabric. I like the way they came out and am looking forward to what the rest of the group comes up with.
I have 3 days to sew and no other plans, except to catch up on my blog maybe. Maybe a couple of movies... but thats it! Oh and maybe reading a book...but thats all I'm going to do...and a zentangle... oh drat thats how it all happens.
Hope you all get to spend time with family and quilt this long weekend.
Love to you all,
Aunti Nicole