Sometimes you just have to take some time to clear your head from daily stresses of life. Find a comfy spot and take a nap.
But when you can't seem to stop your mind from spinning, here is a cool new artistic outlet. Its called ZenTangle and its a really fun kind of meditation and kinda quiltish.
So this is my first attempt and I can tell its going to be a bit addictive. I did this one in a few hours while listening to a couple of movies. I would say watching but I didn't look up much.
(8.5" x 5.5" Watercolor paper, the smudgie look is my poor photography and a little because I am left handed and that is just how we roll.)
I can totally see this pouring into my quilting creativity. I have been working on for a few months that kind reminds me of this. I'll show it soon, once I get to a stopping spot.
So what I want to know is, do you Tangle?
Talk to me,
Aunti Nic