Wow so much to share, I might have to post again tomorrow. The show was fantastic and I met lots of great people. I hung with friends Natalie and Lisa of
Beyond the Reef, Rose Hughes of
Raven Speak and my favorite quilter Mom. Lots of Food, Fun and Fabric! Oh and feet ;] Thanks Natalie for the pedi party. A great time was had by all, as is customary at Beyond the Reef!
Here's Mom and I was not the good little shutter bug. Hoping some of my fellow BTR peoples were better at getting pictures of the booth.
Some exciting news! Natalie allowed me to have my Tic-Tac...Oh! pattern in the booth and we sold a bunch. It turned out great and I'll post it soon by itself. There is a sneaky peek in the picture above ;]

Not sure about the rules, on pictures of the quilts at the show, but since it was my favorite and I'm giving her credit I hope its ok. There were lots of beautiful quilts, but this is the one that stood out to me as a beautiful mix of traditional and modern creativity. I just love it.
Thank you Terri McNeill & Rebecca Todd of Ireland
So why did it take me so long to post? No I didn't get lost, but had little 3 day job adventure in Bakersfield after PQIF. Where I met two great quilters by sheer coincidence! I'm telling you we are everywhere!
I was minding my own business training some engineers how to use AutoCAD Electrical in Bakersfield, when I mentioned to one of the engineers that I had just come from a big quilt show in Santa Clara. He said, "Your kidding, my wife Ann is a quilter and oh..our administrative assistant Urlene is also a quilter". So the gals came and met me on my last training day and had lunch and and tell of course.
Ann brought in a few of her beautiful quilts and gave me some yummy looking jelly's that her daughter made for the fair. My Mom is visiting this weekend and we will have to open it and do the taste test. Red Hot Pomegranate, Wow. I can only image at this point.
What great people quilters are!
I hope you all will be there in Santa Clara next year!
Love Aunti Nicole